Artist Opportunities

TAP partner artists and organizations receive notices of calls for artists at galleries, shows, businesses and other public spaces before the general public. Once they’ve been shared with our partners, we post here for everyone to see.


Most calls for artists are temporary and vary in genre, level of effort and stipend. One permanent opportunity, however, is for businesses and artists to connect through TAP’s ArtWORKS program.

What is ArtWORKS?

ArtWORKS connects art-enthusiastic businesses and other spaces with artists to create curated “galleries” within brick-and-mortar establishments. 

ArtWORKS venues are not traditional gallery spaces, so depending on a company’s mission, vision, values and artistic aesthetics, we do our best to match them with the appropriate local artist. 


Artists receive a stipend for each exhibition, but the stipend is only one benefit of participating.  ArtWORKS artists also receive:

  • Professional development. Working with an ArtWORKS curator to shape the exhibit helps you work out new ideas or refine a longer-term artistic approach.
  • Promotion: A listing on TAP’s website as an ArtWORKS participating artist, with a link to your website and/or other social media outlets.
  • Communications Tips. Some ideas about promoting your exhibit through social media.
  • The potential for art sales. Sales are not a primary purpose (nor conclusion) of the exhibit, but a happy bonus. Artists receive 100% of the sales price.



Participating artists must be based in the Metro area or surrounding region.  Remember, you’ll need to deliver and pick-up your art, so distance matters.

  • Each exhibit is of 10-12 works (existing or new); the final exhibit pieces will be selected by TAP staff.
  • All artwork for the exhibit is mounted and/or framed and installation-ready, with hanging wires affixed.
  • All artwork submitted must be original, owned by and created by the participating artist.
  • All work must be “business appropriate” in nature. TAP and ArtWORKS business participants reserve the right to exclude work containing offensive depictions, nudity, profanity, gore or negative depictions of social, ethnic or political groups or individuals.
  • Artists must be able to commit their artwork to a three-month exhibition period.
  • Artists are responsible for providing medium-resolution images of the artwork in the exhibit and an artist statement and bio, and for delivering the work to the ArtWORKS location for installation and collecting it after the exhibition period.

From Our Blog

Contact Tania

Tania Blanich, the Arts Partnership’s Executive Director.

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Tania Blanich - Executive Director - The Arts Partnership

Contact Tania

Interested in becoming an ArtWORKS artist? Send up to five images of your work and a brief artist bio to Tania Blanich, the Arts Partnership’s Executive Director.

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Tania Blanich - Executive Director - The Arts Partnership



    Contact Communications

    Contact our Communications team for story ideas, events and other arts-related happenings.
