Join us for a free concert of the finest in hardanger fiddle music from Fargo Spelemannslag, Bud Larsen of Brainerd, and special guest Loretta Kelley of Maryland 1pm at the Hjemkomst Center, 202 1st Ave N. Moorhead. This concert is the culmination of a year-long apprenticeship with master luthier Bud Larsen and Moorhead residents to build their own hardanger fiddles from scratch. The apprenticeship and concert are supported in part by The Arts Partnership with the Cities of Fargo, Moorhead, and West Fargo; by the voters of Minnesota through grants from Lake Region Arts Council and MN State Arts Board thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund; the F-M Area Foundation and the Alex Stern Family Foundation. Scandinavian refreshments will be served after. Kick off your holiday season with this fun-filled afternoon.