NDSU Opera presents “The Pirates of Penzance”
7:30 p.m. Feb. 13, 14, and 15 | 2 p.m. Feb. 16
NDSU Festival Concert Hall*
Tickets: ndsu.showare.com or 701-231-7969
Set sail with NDSU Opera’s swashbuckling production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s classic comedy “The Pirates of Penzance,” a hilarious farce of dimwitted young lovers, sentimental pirates, bumbling policemen, and THE very model of a modern Major-General!
Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for students, $10 for non-NDSU students, and FREE for NDSU students with ID. Visit ndsu.showare.com or call the NDSU Performing Arts Box Office at 701-231-7969 to reserve your tickets!
NDSU students can reserve their free student tickets for “The Pirates of Penzance” by filling out this short Google form (make sure you are logged into your Google suite associated with your NDSU account): https://bit.ly/PiratesStudentTix
*Due to construction of the Challey School of Music building addition, patrons need to use the SOUTH entrances of Reineke Fine Arts Center to access Festival Concert Hall.