John Manesis was a prolific poet in Fargo and published his 8th poetry book three months before he passed away in October of 2021. He did not get a chance to read from this 8 th book
and his daughter, Stephanie Manesis, will be doing a reading from his poetry book, entitled “Please Remember Us.” This reading will take place on the second anniversary of John’s passing, Friday October the 20th at 6:00 PM in the Spirit Room.
Perhaps it is optimism, compassion, humor or use of language or all of these that have led audiences to say after John Manesis’ public readings, “I have not appreciated poetry before nor have I understood it. Now I shall try again.” Catherine Cater, Late Professor Emerita, NDSU.
Please join us on Friday, October the 20th to celebrate John Manesis’ poetry and legacy! Wine and appetizers provided